Participants of the NSU Law International Consortium for Global Legal Education Conference

While students were on summer break, Tonya Bastian Galanis, Principal of the Eugene Dupuch Law School Clive Guy, Senior Tutor II and Carla Card-Stubbs, Tutor, took the opportunity to participate in an intensive training program at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Shepard Broad College of Law in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The team joined law educators from around the world, for the 2nd annual International Consortium for Global Legal Education Conference which took place from July 25-28, 2017.

“I have attended both years. The workshops were enriching, there were many valuable takeaways. Despite the varied sizes of our law schools and our different jurisdictions, we seem to all face the same challenges.  Shared learning on the theme “Educating Millennials and Beyond” in such a collegial space was relevant, practical and extremely rewarding,” reflected Principal Galanis.

Participants shared their experiences and best practices for engaging today’s law students. Sessions centered upon embracing technology, teaching entrepreneurship and social justice, providing global perspective and creating opportunities for experiential learning in legal education.